Yard Waste at MASWU
MASWU provides a variety of yard waste services. MASWU also accepts yard waste at our Transfer Station. For details, see below, or call us at (620) 241-6559.
Landscaping materials currently available can be found on our home page (click here).
Click here to visit our landscaping page.

Yard Cart Services- City of McPherson
MASWU offers a yard cart service to residents in the City of McPherson. Residents of the City of McPherson may subscribe to a weekly yard waste pickup service. The quarterly billing comes directly from MASWU (it is a separate bill from the BPU bill). You will be provided a special cart for your yard waste which will be picked up every Friday. If you would like more information, please call our administrative office at (620) 241-6559. 2024 schedule is available here Yard waste schedule.
Yard Material Accepted
The Transfer Station at 1431 17th Avenue maintains an area for composting that accepts yard waste and other organic material that can be chipped, shredded or made into compost. Yard waste consists of grass, leaves, weeds, garden and flowerbed plants, bush and tree trimmings, fallen branches, and other plant waste. There are designated areas for different materials. Root balls and sections larger than 2 feet in diameter need to be taken to the MASWU C&D Landfill. MASWU does not provide pull-off assistance. If you are unable to unload your vehicle, we recommend that you bring someone with you to help unload your yard waste.
Most of the materials are turned into compost. Compost is available to residents of McPherson County. Charges and current material available can be found on our home page.
When leaving materials in the yard waste area at the Transfer Station, the following guidelines need to be observed:
- Any form of bundling must be removed. This includes bags, boxes, strings, straps and ties.
- Sort out any non-yard materials (pop cans, wrappers, lumber, etc.) that are in your yard waste and put them in the appropriate location.
- Yard waste must be sorted into the appropriate pile.
- The Transfer Station at 1431 17th Avenue does not accept anything that is larger than 24 inches in diameter. Root balls and sections that are larger than 24 inches in diameter need to go to the MASWU C&D Landfill at 1472 Pueblo Road. The MASWU C&D Landfill is open Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm.